To the U.S. Tech Industry and All Interested Citizens

To the U.S. Tech Industry and All Interested Citizens
July 15, 2017 American Party
In Technology

We have nothing to do with Trump, the RNC or the DNC but consider this. It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Tens of millions of Americans, esp. Native and Black Americans, have voted in Democrats for decades. Chicago has been run continuously by Democrats since 1931. The results are poverty, endless violence, racial strife, income inequality, discrimination, poor education, broken families and hopelessness. @AmerParty is being organized to end the chaos and ensure that all can reach the ladder to upward mobility. We understand technology completely. From the beginning, the goal was to empower people by giving them the tools to succeed. @AmerParty will work with Silicon Valley and other technologists, but the goals must include uplifting every citizen, not just those working on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park. The old paradigm of the two party system is over. It died with 32-bit microprocessors. For all of the techies who want to break, revolutionize or fix “the system,” we welcome you.


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